The Leopard

The Leopard
Folklore from Central Africa
Ki, the Pygmy, has married a Pygmy girl from another village. The girl was called Luetsi and she became Ki's wife. With them lived Ntio, Ki's brother. After a year, Luetsi wished to visit her mother, as was the custom. Ki agreed and gave Luetsi a big piece of meat to take to her mother. As a big hunt was imminent, Ki could not go with his wife, but he promised to fetch her from her mother's house in four week's time.
Now it happened that Ki was bitten on the foot by a snake and could not walk. So he asked her brother named Ntio to fetch her wife. Ntio did want to go and said."In a few day's time you will be able to walk again. It is better for you to fetch your wife yourself."
    "No," said Ki. It is better not to leave Luetsi in uncertainty. She would not wait for me but would start the journey home alone. Fetch her home for me, and I'll give you my best bow."
So Ntio fetch Luetsi. They took the path through the jungle, the woman ahead, the man, armed close behind her, as was proper.
Suddenly a leopard appeared among the trees, and it crouched ready to spring. The woman was paralyzed with fear. Ntio, however, threw himself on the leopard and thrust his knife into the leopard's heart. As it fell, the claws tore open Nti's shoulder. Then, the beast healing herbs, and put a bandage around it. Then, she said, "You are brave, Ntio. You saved my life. I wonder If Ki would have done as much for me.'
      "You ought not to say such things," said Ntio. But Luetsi continued, "One has heard of men who allowed their wives to be eaten by the leopards, while the themselves disappeared  faster than a snake."
"Not my brother Ki." pretested Ntio.
Then Luetsi said, "I have no child of his. It is because he does not love me enough."
"You shouldn't talk such nonsense," said Ntio. "He loves you. And he does not lack courage either. Perhaps he is the bravest of us three."
"I wanted to see who of us was the greatest hero," said Luetsi.
And that is my question, too, as we come to the end of the story: Which of the three showed the greatest courage? Was it Ntio, who stabbed the leopard in the heart with his knife, althrough he could have run away? Or Luetsi , who lay there beneath the leopard? Or was it Ki, who ran up, unarmed, in order to snatch his wife from the leopard's claws?
